Despite turning his request down to meet, I would like to think there is no room for confusion in his mind that I am interested, seeing as I told him directly I fancied and valued him, and wanted to meet in-person someday. I would have only gotten more attached to him, and been devastated when he left town and distanced himself from me like he seems to be doing now. At least I suppose I spared myself even deeper emotional grief by having the sense to temper the pace of his sexual interest in me.
I wanted to be the one he gives all these other girls up for, but can see I am kidding myself with that irrational expectation (love is not rational)
I did/do enjoy attention from him, but I guess my expectations are at odds with his, as some posters have rightfully pointed out. Continuar leyendo «I care about him and want him to be a better man who wants just one girl: me!»