The Importance of Secure Exchange of Information

With the increasing number of high-profile cases of leaks of sensitive data that are making news and causing a lot of controversy, the need to secure exchange information with customers and partners is more essential customer due diligence for banks than ever. No matter if you’re an accounting firm sharing financial statements or a law company managing cases for clients, or an organization for healthcare that transfers medical records Secure document exchange portals enable you to transfer and retrieve information quickly, while ensuring compliance and keeping your business’s data private.

Secure document exchange solutions not only enhance security and reliability, but they can reduce operational costs. In removing the need to print documents and postage, you can save money on printing, storage and courier costs. Additionally as all documents are sent through an encrypted connection, you will be able to improve your privacy at work and secure confidential information.

How can this be done? By using a SaaS that allows point-topoint encrypted email exchange, your personal information remains completely secure and out of reach of hackers. The platform uses patent-pending technology that is frequently subjected to rigorous security audits. You can be assured that your personal information will remain secure with us.

Secure document exchange solutions are especially beneficial for organizations that send and receive large documents on a regular basis, such as Europol. By allowing customer advisors to upload and download documents via an online portal, they can save time and money by not needing to send physical documents or rely on emails with attachments that are not secure. The solution is simple, easy and user-friendly and requires no app installation or configuration by the user.

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